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Version: 1.3.0

Migration guide to v0.9.0

This guide is intended for developers who have built smart contracts using version 0.8.0 of Odra and need to update their code to be compatible with v0.9.0. For migration from version 0.7.1 and below, start with the previous guide. It assumes a basic understanding of smart contract development and the Odra framework. If you're new to Odra, we recommend to start your journey with the Getting Started.

The most significant change in 0.9.0 is the way of defining custom elements namely type, events and errors.

1. Prerequisites

1.1. Update cargo-odra

Before you begin the migration process, make sure you installed the latest version of the Cargo Odra toolchain. You can install it by running the following command:

cargo install cargo-odra --force --locked

1.2. Review the Changelog

Before you move to changing your code, start by reviewing the Changelog to understand the changes introduced in v0.9.0.

2. Migration Steps

2.1 Update bin

Odra 0.9.0 adds a new standardized way of generating contract schema - Casper Contract Schema. You can find the updated file in templates directory in the Odra main repository. You can choose whatever template you want to use and copy the files to your project. In both files, you should replace {{project-name}} with the name of your project.

2.2 Update smart contract code

The main changes in the smart contract code are related to the way of defining custom types, events and errors. The following sections will guide you through the necessary changes.

2.2.1. Update custom types definitions.

#[derive(OdraType)] attribute has been replace with #[odra::odra_type] attribute.

use odra::Address;

pub struct Dog {
pub name: String,
pub age: u8,
pub owner: Option<Address>

2.2.2. Update errors definitions.

#[derive(OdraError)] attribute has been replace with #[odra::odra_error] attribute. Error enum should be passed as a parameter to the #[odra::module] attribute.

#[odra::module(events = [/* events go here */], errors = Error)]
pub struct Erc20 {
// fields

pub enum Error {
InsufficientBalance = 30_000,
InsufficientAllowance = 30_001,
NameNotSet = 30_002,
SymbolNotSet = 30_003,
DecimalsNotSet = 30_004

2.2.3. Update events definitions.

#[derive(Event)] attribute has been replace with #[odra::event] attribute.

use odra::prelude::*;
use odra::{Address, casper_types::U256};

pub struct Transfer {
pub from: Option<Address>,
pub to: Option<Address>,
pub amount: U256

3. Code Examples

Here is a complete example of a smart contract after and before the migration to v0.9.0.

use crate::erc20::errors::Error;
use crate::erc20::events::*;
use odra::prelude::*;
use odra::{casper_types::U256, Address, Mapping, Var};

#[odra::module(events = [Approval, Transfer], errors = Error)]
pub struct Erc20 {
decimals: Var<u8>,
symbol: Var<String>,
name: Var<String>,
total_supply: Var<U256>,
balances: Mapping<Address, U256>,
allowances: Mapping<(Address, Address), U256>

impl Erc20 {
pub fn init(
&mut self,
symbol: String,
name: String,
decimals: u8,
initial_supply: Option<U256>
) {
let caller = self.env().caller();

if let Some(initial_supply) = initial_supply {
self.balances.set(&caller, initial_supply);

if !initial_supply.is_zero() {
self.env().emit_event(Transfer {
from: None,
to: Some(caller),
amount: initial_supply

pub fn transfer(&mut self, recipient: &Address, amount: &U256) {
let caller = self.env().caller();
self.raw_transfer(&caller, recipient, amount);

pub fn transfer_from(&mut self, owner: &Address, recipient: &Address, amount: &U256) {
let spender = self.env().caller();

self.spend_allowance(owner, &spender, amount);
self.raw_transfer(owner, recipient, amount);

pub fn approve(&mut self, spender: &Address, amount: &U256) {
let owner = self.env().caller();

self.allowances.set(&(owner, *spender), *amount);
self.env().emit_event(Approval {
spender: *spender,
value: *amount

pub fn name(&self) -> String {

// Other getter functions...

pub fn allowance(&self, owner: &Address, spender: &Address) -> U256 {
self.allowances.get_or_default(&(*owner, *spender))

pub fn mint(&mut self, address: &Address, amount: &U256) {
self.balances.add(address, *amount);

self.env().emit_event(Transfer {
from: None,
to: Some(*address),
amount: *amount

pub fn burn(&mut self, address: &Address, amount: &U256) {
if self.balance_of(address) < *amount {
self.balances.subtract(address, *amount);

self.env().emit_event(Transfer {
from: Some(*address),
to: None,
amount: *amount

impl Erc20 {
fn raw_transfer(&mut self, owner: &Address, recipient: &Address, amount: &U256) {
if *amount > self.balances.get_or_default(owner) {

self.balances.subtract(owner, *amount);
self.balances.add(recipient, *amount);

self.env().emit_event(Transfer {
from: Some(*owner),
to: Some(*recipient),
amount: *amount

fn spend_allowance(&mut self, owner: &Address, spender: &Address, amount: &U256) {
let allowance = self.allowances.get_or_default(&(*owner, *spender));
if allowance < *amount {
self.allowances.subtract(&(*owner, *spender), *amount);

self.env().emit_event(Approval {
owner: *owner,
spender: *spender,
value: allowance - *amount

pub mod events {
use odra::prelude::*;
use odra::{casper_types::U256, Address};

pub struct Transfer {
pub from: Option<Address>,
pub to: Option<Address>,
pub amount: U256

pub struct Approval {
pub owner: Address,
pub spender: Address,
pub value: U256

pub mod errors {
pub enum Error {
InsufficientBalance = 30_000,
InsufficientAllowance = 30_001,
NameNotSet = 30_002,
SymbolNotSet = 30_003,
DecimalsNotSet = 30_004

mod tests {
// nothing changed in the tests

4. Troubleshooting

If you encounter any further issues after completing the migration steps, please don't hesitate to reach out to us on Discord or explore the other sections this documentation. You can also refer to the technical documentation for more detailed information. Additionally, our examples repository offers a wide range of examples to assist you in understanding the new features and APIs. Be sure to carefully review any compilation errors and warnings, as they may provide valuable insights into the necessary adjustments.

5. References