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Version: 1.3.0

Using odra-modules

Besides the Odra framework, you can attach to your project odra-module - a set of plug-and-play modules.

If you followed the Installation guide your Cargo.toml should look like:

name = "my_project"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"

odra = "1.1.0"

odra-test = "1.1.0"

odra-build = "1.1.0"

name = "my_project_build_contract"
path = "bin/"
test = false

name = "my_project_build_schema"
path = "bin/"
test = false

codegen-units = 1
lto = true

opt-level = 3

To use odra-modules, edit your dependency and features sections.

odra = "1.1.0"
odra-modules = "1.1.0"

Now, the only thing left is to add a module to your contract.

Let's write an example of MyToken based on Erc20 module.

use odra::prelude::*;
use odra::{Address, casper_types::U256, module::SubModule};
use odra_modules::erc20::Erc20;

pub struct MyToken {
erc20: SubModule<Erc20>

impl OwnedToken {
pub fn init(&mut self, initial_supply: U256) {
let name = String::from("MyToken");
let symbol = String::from("MT");
let decimals = 9u8;
self.erc20.init(name, symbol, decimals, initial_supply);

pub fn name(&self) -> String {

pub fn symbol(&self) -> String {

pub fn decimals(&self) -> u8 {

pub fn total_supply(&self) -> U256 {

pub fn balance_of(&self, address: Address) -> U256 {

pub fn allowance(&self, owner: Address, spender: Address) -> U256 {
self.erc20.allowance(owner, spender)

pub fn transfer(&mut self, recipient: Address, amount: U256) {
self.erc20.transfer(recipient, amount);

pub fn transfer_from(&mut self, owner: Address, recipient: Address, amount: U256) {
self.erc20.transfer_from(owner, recipient, amount);

pub fn approve(&mut self, spender: Address, amount: U256) {
self.erc20.approve(spender, amount);

All available modules are placed in the main Odra repository.

Available modules

Odra modules comes with couple of ready-to-use modules and reusable extensions.



Casper Ecosystem Proposal 18 (CEP-18) is a standard interface for the CSPR and the custom made tokens. Inspired by the ERC20 standard. Read more about the CEP-18 here.


Casper Ecosystem Proposal 78 (CEP-78) is an enhanced NFT standard focused on ease of use and installation. Inspired by the ERC721 standard. Read more about the CEP-78 here.


The Erc20 module implements the ERC20 standard.


The Erc721Base module implements the ERC721 standard, adjusted for the Odra framework.

The Erc721Token module implements the ERC721Base and additionally uses the Erc721Metadata and Ownable extensions.

The Erc721Receiver trait lets you implement your own logic for receiving NFTs.

The OwnedErc721WithMetadata trait is a combination of Erc721Token, Erc721Metadata and Ownable modules.


The Erc1155Base module implements the ERC1155 standard, adjusted for the Odra framework.

The Erc1155Token module implements the ERC1155Base and additionally uses the Ownable extension.

The OwnedErc1155 trait is a combination of Erc1155Token and Ownable modules.

Wrapped native token

The WrappedNativeToken module implements the Wrapper for the native token, it was inspired by the WETH.



This module enables the implementation of role-based access control mechanisms for children modules. Roles are identified by their 32-bytes identifier, which should be unique and exposed in the external API.


This module provides a straightforward access control feature that enables exclusive access to particular functions by an account, known as the owner.

The account that initiates the module is automatically assigned as the owner. However, ownership can be transferred later by using the transfer_ownership() function.


An extension of the Ownable module.

Ownership can be transferred in a two-step process by using transfer_ownership() and accept_ownership() functions.



A module allowing to implement an emergency stop mechanism that can be triggered by any account.