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Version: 0.4.0

Cross calls

To show how to handle calls between contracts, first, let's implement two of them:

use odra::Variable;
use odra::types::{Address};

pub struct CrossContract {
pub math_engine: Variable<Address>,

impl CrossContract {
pub fn init(&mut self, math_engine_address: Address) {

pub fn add_using_another(&self) -> u32 {
let math_engine_address = self.math_engine.get().unwrap();
MathEngineRef::at(math_engine_address).add(3, 5)

pub struct MathEngine {

impl MathEngine {
pub fn add(&self, n1: u32, n2: u32) -> u32 {
n1 + n2

MathEngine contract can add two numbers. CrossContract takes an Address in its init function and saves it in storage for later use. If we deploy the MathEngine first and take note of its address, we can then deploy CrossContract and use MathEngine to perform complicated calculations for us!

To call the external contract, we use the Ref that was created for us by Odra:

MathEngineRef::at(math_engine_address).add(3, 5)

Contract Ref

We mentioned Ref already in our Testing article. It is a reference to already deployed - running contract. Here we are going to take a deeper look at it.

Similarly to a Deployer, the Ref is generated automatically, thanks to the #[odra::module] macro. To get an instance of a reference, we can either deploy a contract (using Deployer) or by building it directly, using ::at(address: Address) method, as shown above. The reference implements all the public endpoints to the contract (those marked as pub in #[odra::module] impl), alongside couple methods:

  • at(Address) -> Self - points the reference to an Address
  • address() -> Address - returns the Address the reference is currently pointing at
  • with_tokens(Amount) -> Self - attaches Amount of native tokens to the next call

External Contracts

Sometimes in our contract, we would like to interact with a someone else's contract, already deployed onto the blockchain. The only thing we know about the contract is the ABI.

For that purpose, we use #[odra:external_contract] macro. This macro should be applied to a trait. The trait defines the part of the ABI we would like to take advantage of.

Let's pretend the MathEngine we defined is an external contract. There is a contract with add() function that adds two numbers somewhere.

pub trait Adder {
fn add(&self, n1: u32, n2: u32) -> u32;

Analogously to modules, Odra creates the AdderRef struct (but do not create the AdderDeployer). Having an address we can call:

AdderRef::at(address).add(3, 5)


Let's see how we can test our cross calls using this knowledge:

use super::{CrossContractDeployer, MathEngineDeployer};

fn test_cross_calls() {
let math_engine_contract = MathEngineDeployer::default();
let cross_contract = CrossContractDeployer::init(math_engine_contract.address());

assert_eq!(cross_contract.add_using_another(), 8);

Each test start with a fresh instance of blockchain - no contracts are deployed. To test an external contract we deploy a MathEngine contract first, but we are not going to use it directly. We take only its address. Let's keep pretending, there is a contract with the add() function we want to use.

mod tests {
use odra::types::Address;
use crate::docs::cross_calls::{Adder, AdderRef};

fn test_ext() {
let adder = AdderRef::at(get_adder_address());

assert_eq!(adder.add(1, 2), 3);

fn get_adder_address() -> Address {
let contract = MathEngineDeployer::default();